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Blend Tool ⭐️

Blend tool joins datasets by matching fields with various operators, outputting matched & unmatched records using join types & conditions.

Updated over a week ago

The Blend tool allows you to combine two datasets based on common fields, operating similarly to a database join. You can configure the tool to match records from each dataset using specific conditions and control the output to include both matched and unmatched records.

Configuration Steps

  1. Inputs: Connect the two datasets to the Blend tool. The datasets will be displayed as inputs (e.g., 'Customers' and 'Purchases').

  2. Main Path Configuration:

    • Use the Venn diagram to configure the output. You can set the Main output to display results based on the following join types:

      • Left Outer Join: Includes all records from the left dataset and matched records from the right.

      • Inner Join: Only records that match between both datasets.

      • Right Outer Join: Includes all records from the right dataset and matched records from the left.

      • Outer Join: All records from both datasets, including unmatched ones.

  3. Rules Setup:

    • Choose between AND or OR conjunctive operators to determine how multiple conditions interact:

      • AND: All conditions must be met for a match.

      • OR: Any condition met will qualify as a match.

    • Define the fields and operators (e.g., =, !=, contains) for matching criteria.

  4. Unmatched Paths:

    • Optionally, include unmatched paths by selecting checkboxes for Customers and Purchases to output records that do not find a match in the other dataset.

Pro Tip: Ensure that the fields used for matching are of the same data type (e.g., both fields are numeric or both are text) to avoid errors.

Additional Notes

  • Field Renaming: If the field names are the same in both datasets, Savant will rename one of the fields with a suffix to differentiate them.

  • Null Handling: Records without a match will have null values for the missing fields in the Left Outer, Right Outer, or Outer Joins.

Available Operators






Not equal


Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to


The value in the field contains the value from the corresponding field in the other table

is part of

The value in the field is part of the value in the corresponding field in the other table (opposite of contains)

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