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Managing Datasets
Updated this week

Dataset Table

On the datasets page, you'll find a table displaying key information:

  • Dataset: This includes the name of the dataset.

  • System: The system from which the dataset originates.

  • Analyses: The count of analyses in which the dataset is used.

  • Owner: The person who created the dataset.

  • Modified Date: The date when the dataset was last modified.

Managing Datasets

To manage data sets, use the dropdown caret menu:

  • Re-sync: Remove current cache of the dataset.

  • Resample: Re-sample the dataset for your analyses.

  • Delete: Remove the dataset from Savant.

  • Copy: Duplicate the dataset.

πŸ’‘ Re-sync is for the full data cache used in execution and exploration session. When you click Re-sync, Savant evicts the current cache of the dataset when it exists, and will allow the next execution to re-populate the cache.

πŸ’‘ Re-sample is to re-draw a 1,000 record sample of the dataset. It is generally used when you think the source data has changed, therefore the sample in the canvas does not represent the latest version of data.

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