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Data Overview

Learn about the Data page from the Savant home screen.

Updated this week

1. The Data Page

The data page in Savant is where you can upload, manage, and delete all of your data sets and systems for use in your analyses, bots, and automations.

2. Switching Between Data Sets and Systems

You can switch between data sets and systems using the navigation provided on the data page.


Data sets in Savant are tabular data sources used in your analyses. These data sets can be either tabularized data from an authenticated system or data from a local file that you uploaded at an event.


Systems in Savant refer to the authentication of third-party data sources used in your analyses. For instance, if you want to authenticate your Salesforce account, you will create a system for it. However, if you want to use or reference the Account table in your Salesforce account, you will create an Account dataset from the Salesforce system.

3. Datasets


On the very right-hand side of the data sets page, you'll find the Upload button. Click on it to upload flat files.

New Dataset

Next to the Upload button, there is the New Dataset button. Use this button to create a new dataset from a system.

Dataset Table

The dataset table contains the following information:

  • Dataset: This includes the name of the dataset.

  • System: The system from which the dataset originates.

  • Analyses: The count of analyses in which the dataset is used.

  • Owner: The person who created the dataset.

  • Modified Date: The date when the dataset was last modified.

πŸ’‘ Note: Use the shield to see information about the source system, such as its name, authentication, and a link to navigate directly to that third-party system account.

Managing Datasets

To manage datasets, use the upside-down caret located on the right-hand side of the dataset table. The available options include:

  • Re-sync: Remove current cache of the dataset.

  • Resample: Re-sample the dataset for your analyses.

  • Delete: Remove the dataset from Savant.

  • Copy: Duplicate the dataset.

πŸ’‘ Re-sync is for the full data cache used in execution and exploration session. When you click Re-sync, Savant evicts the current cache of the dataset when it exists, and will allow the next execution to re-populate the cache.
πŸ’‘ Re-sample is to re-draw a 1,000 record sample of the dataset. It is generally used when you think the source data has changed, therefore the sample in the canvas does not represent the latest version of data.

4. Systems

New System

On the very right-hand side of the systems page, you'll find the button to create a new system. Click on it to add a new authentication system.

Systems Table

The systems table provides the following information:

  • System: The name of the system.

  • Analyses: The number of analyses that use this system.

  • Expires: The date when the authentication for this system expires.

  • Owner: The person who owns and manages the system.

  • Modified Date: The date when the system was last modified.

πŸ’‘ Note: Use the shield to see information about the source system, such as its name, authentication, and a link to navigate directly to that third-party system account.

Managing Systems

To edit or delete systems, use the upside-down carrot located on the right-hand side of the systems table.

5. Searching Datasets and Systems

Efficiently find specific runs by utilizing the search bar provided on the Runs page. Additionally, you can use the filter function to refine the list of displayed runs according to specific criteria.

Search Datasets

Fitler Datasets

πŸ’‘ Note: For ease of navigation and better organization, you can sort datasets and systems by hovering your cursor over any of the table header names, and a sort arrow will appear. Click on the desired header to sort the runs based on that column.

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