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JIRA Connector Setup
Updated over a week ago


  • JIRA Sub-domain

  • JIRA Username

  • JIRA API Token

Create an API Token in JIRA

  1. Open Atlassian. Login to your account.

  2. In the upper right corner, click your profile icon.

  3. In the drop-down menu, click "Account Settings".

  4. In the Atlassian Account page, navigate to the Security tab:

  5. Scroll until you find the "API token" section, and click on "Create and manage API tokens".

  6. Click the "Create API token" button to generate a new token. If you have existing tokens, this button will appear at the top of the page; if this is your first token, the button will appear at the bottom.

  7. Give the API token a custom label when prompted in the pop-up window.

  8. After assigning a label, click "Copy" and ensure that you can access this token to later paste in the Savant authentication process.

  9. Close the pop-up window and you will see your new token listed on the API tokens page.

System Setup Instructions

Add a New System

  1. Login to Savant.

  2. Click on "Data" in the top menu.

  3. Toggle to the "Systems" tab in the upper left.

  4. Click the "New System" button. This will take you to a page with a list of all available connected systems in Savant.

  5. Scroll or search among the selections for JIRA and select the icon, then click "Next".

Authenticate & Confirm

  1. Enter the following information into the required fields:

    1. Sub-domain: The portion of the URL before (e.g.

    2. Username: Atlassian username. Usually an email.

    3. API Token: The API token you created in Atlassian

  2. Click "Authenticate".

  3. [Optional] Rename the System and add a Description.

  4. Click "Confirm".

Your new JIRA system is now authenticated in Savant!

You can find your new system by going to Data > Systems:

Creating Datasets from JIRA

Connect to Authenticated JIRA System

  1. If you are working within an analysis, on the top left side of your canvas, click the Add Dataset button shown below:

  2. Select your JIRA system connection.

NOTE: If you are not currently within an analysis, you can add a dataset by navigating to Data and selecting New Dataset. Select your authenticated JIRA system from the list of available options and click Next.

Configure Dataset

  1. Click the Object drop-down menu. There you will find the following options:

    1. Issues

    2. Worklogs

  2. Select an Object and click "Apply".

  3. Check the boxes next to all columns you want to include in your dataset, and uncheck the boxes next to all columns you want to exclude.

  4. Click "Next".

NOTE: Not sure which Object to select? Refer to the "Supported Objects and Fields" section below to determine which Object contains the fields your dataset requires.

Name & Describe

  1. [Optional] Rename the dataset and add a Description.

  2. Click "Confirm".

Your new JIRA dataset is now added to Savant!

You can find your new dataset by going to Data > Datasets:

If you added the dataset from an analysis, you will now see the dataset icon on your canvas:

Supported Objects and Fields





(126 Total)

  • Id

  • Key

  • Issue Type Name

  • Project Id

  • Project Name

  • Project Key

  • Parent Id

  • Resolution Id

  • Resolution Description

  • Resolution Date

  • Work Ratio

  • Last Viewed

  • Watch Count

  • Is Watching

  • Created

  • Priority Id

  • Priority Name

  • Time Spent Seconds

  • Time Spent

  • Remaining Estimate Seconds

  • Remaining Estimate

  • Original Estimate Seconds

  • Original Estimate

  • Aggregate Time Spent

  • Aggregate Time Original Estimate

  • Aggregate Time Estimate

  • ...


(19 Total)

  • Id

  • Issue Id

  • Issue Key

  • Project Id

  • Project Name

  • Issue Created Date

  • Issue Updated Date

  • Author Account Id

  • Author Display Name

  • Update Author Account Id

  • Update Author Display Name

  • Comment

  • Created

  • Updated

  • Visibility Type

  • Visibility Value

  • Started

  • Time Spent

  • Time Spent Seconds

The following fields can be selected as Incremental update keys:

  • Issue Id

  • Project Id

  • Issue Created Date

  • Issue Updated Date

  • Created

  • Updated

  • Started

  • Time Spent Seconds

Publishing Data to JIRA

  1. On the top left side of your canvas, click the Add Destination button:

  2. Select your JIRA destination system from the listed options.

  3. Give your destination a name and description and click Next.

  4. Navigate to the destination configuration window on the right. Click the Object drop-down menu with the following options:

    1. Issues

    2. Worklogs

  5. Select an Object from the drop-down menu.

  6. In the Record Preferences section, notice that the default (and only) option is to "Upsert" the destination. This updates existing records when there is an overlap with this data and add the rest of this data as new records.

  7. Reference the Map Fields section and set the Flow Output columns (Savant analysis) to match the Destination System fields (JIRA destination) as desired. If you would like a destination field to remain blank, select "---".

  8. Click "Apply".

NOTE: If you need to add a new system as a destination, click New System and re-follow the authentication steps above to add your new JIRA system.

Savant is now ready to publish data to your JIRA destination!

Additional Resources

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