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January 2023 Updates
January 2023 Updates

Multi-row calculations, Folders, Time Series decades, CSV sort, Facebook Ads and API pagination

Updated over a year ago

Savants are always improving and their tools should too. That's why we're constantly releasing new features and enhancements every week. Here are the highlights from this month:

Multi-Row Calculations Made Easy

Data aggregation functions are now available within the edit tool. You no longer have to use a separate Summarize tool to de-normalize summary calculations and to compare one row against its cohort.

Keep Organized with Folders

Business question? You've got an analysis for that - you're a Savant super star. But keep tracking of your analyses is becoming too much. Keep building because help is on the way!

With new Analyses Folders, you can organize your work by project, owner, team and more.

Analyze Time Series by Decade

Time Series insights are invaluable. That's why we've got the amazing Time Series tool for 2-click insights on the day, week, month, year... and now decade level!

You can now use the "decade" periodicity in the Time Series tool to easily aggregate data by decade.

Sort Away with CSVs

You've built an awesome report, but want the CSV output to have a pretty sort. Not a problem. Now you can add 1, 2, 3 or 10 sort rules!

Facebook Ads Connector

facebook-ads-logo – The Sargent

Face it, if you're using Facebook Ads, then you need the data. With our Facebook Ads connector, get all the campaign performance data you need to optimize your marketing.

With this connector, you can pull the last 90 days of daily Impressions, Clicks, and Spend across dimensions like Ads, Ad Groups, Campaigns and more. Automate your campaign pacing, spending, and performance reporting using this connector.

Paginate Your APIs and Celebrate

APIs often provide data in a set of pages with a fix number of rows per page. Savant now supports these APIs.

When configuring the Generic API connector set the “Next Rel” parameter to enable pagination.

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