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JSON Tool ⭐️

Parse and transform JSON data into a tabular format.

Updated over a week ago

About the JSON Tool

JSON is a widely used text-based data format that is used to share structured data. The JSON tool in Savant allows users to parse JSON data, whether it is in JSON object heieracrhy or JSON array format, into a tabular format, making it easier to work with and analyze in Savant. To learn more about JSON, check out this article.

Add a JSON tool

1. Navigate to your analysis.

2. Click this icon.

3. Click JSON.

4. Double-Click to open the JSON tool in a separate tab. This allows for more in-depth analysis and configuration.


  1. Add a JSON tool to your Canvas.

  2. Specify the Input field that contains the JSON data you want to parse.

  3. If the JSON data has a hierarchy, indicate the Path to the target property (optional) field you want to parse.

  4. Choose either “Flatten to Fields” or “Explode to Rows” based on your parsing requirements.

    a. Flatten to Fields: This option separates the JSON data into separate fields. You can also choose to keep the original field if needed.

    b. Explode to Rows: This option splits the JSON data into separate rows.

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