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Unpivot Tool ⭐️

The Unpivot tool is designed to normalize data and simplify complex use cases for both new and experienced users.

Updated over a week ago

Understanding Unpivoting

Unpivoting is the process of transforming data from a wide format to a long format, where multiple columns are merged into key-value pairs. This is especially useful when you want to analyze data in a more organized and structured manner, making it easier to perform various data operations.

Add an Unpivot Tool

1. Navigate to your analysis.

2. Click this icon.

3. Click Unpivot.

4. Double-Click to open the Unpivot tool in a separate tab. This allows for more in-depth analysis and configuration.


  1. To begin, add an Unpivot tool to your Canvas.

  2. Specify the header name of the column containing names in the Name field text box.

  3. Specify the header name of the column containing values in the Value field text box.

  4. Select Keep fields/Unpivot fields.

    1. This setting allows you to choose the method of unpivoting that best fits your specific use case. You can select either "Keep fields" or "Unpivot fields" using the radio button. Select which fields to keep or unpivot from the dropdown list of columns located below the radio button.

  5. Finally, click Apply.

Name and Value fields

  1. Name field: The "Name field" is the field that will hold the values of the headers from the unpivoted fields. In other words, it will store the column names from the original data.

  2. Value field: The "Value field" will hold the values from the fields that are not selected as "Keep fields" or the fields that are being unpivoted. It will store the actual data corresponding to the headers in the "Name Field."

Keep Fields

Select this option if you want to preserve certain fields as they exist within the data. These fields will remain unaffected by the unpivoting process.

Unpivot Fields

Select this option if you want to perform the unpivoting operation on specific fields. The fields selected here will be transformed into key-value pairs during the unpivoting process.


When using the Unpivot Tool, it's essential to consider the future uses of your analysis. Think about whether there might be other fields that need to be included in the unpivot or if no future fields should be included. Your choice will depend on how you select the key field and the unpivot fields.

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