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Split Tool ⭐️

Allows users to split data from a single column based on a specified delimiter found within that data.

Updated over a week ago

About the Split tool

Similar to the "Text To Fields" tool in Excel, the Split tool enables users to split the value of a single column into multiple rows or columns.

Add a Split tool

1. Navigate to your analysis.

2. Click this icon.

3. Click Split.

4. Double-Click to open the Split tool in a separate tab. This allows for more in-depth analysis and configuration.


  1. Add a Split tool to your Canvas.

  2. After adding the Split Tool to your canvas, choose a column from the dropdown list as the "Input field." This column will be the one to be split based on the specified delimiter.

  3. Define the separator or delimiter in the "Separator" text box. This can be any character or sequence of characters that will be used to split the data. Common examples include spaces, pipes, commas, and periods.

  4. : Choose one of the two options, Split to Columns or Split to Rows.

    • Split to Columns: This option will split the input field on the separator into separate columns, based on the number of instances of the delimiter within that specific column. The number of columns generated will be the maximum number of times the separator exists in the input field.

    • Split to Rows: This option will split the values vertically, creating separate rows for each split element.

Common Delimiters



Comma (,)

Commonly used in CSV files and tabular data.

Semicolon (;)

Used in international settings as an alternative to commas in CSV files.

Pipe (|)

Often seen in data exports and used as a delimiter in various applications.

Colon (:)

Occasionally used to separate data elements, especially in specific data formats.

Space ( )

Commonly used to separate words or values in text data.

Underscore (_)

Sometimes used in data fields with multiple words instead of spaces.

Hyphen/Minus (-)

Used as a delimiter in specific datasets or to separate ranges of values.

Slash (/)

Found in dates, URLs, and file paths.

Backslash (\)

Frequently seen in file paths on Windows systems.

Ampersand (&)

Sometimes used to concatenate data in Excel, but can also be a delimiter in specific datasets.

Hash/Number Sign (#)

Rarely used as a delimiter, but can occur in certain datasets.

Dollar Sign ($)

Occasional delimiter in specific contexts, especially in financial data.

At Sign (@)

Rarely used as a delimiter, but may appear in specific datasets.

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